One of the underwater mysteries that has puzzled experts is the discovery of strange drawings in the sand

One of the underwater mysteries that once puzzled experts was the discovery of strange drawings in the sand with almost perfect circular patterns found on the seabed off Japan. It took them a decade to find out why they originated and why they suddenly appeared and disappeared until they finally managed to discover it. The author of these amazing formations, almost 2 meters wide, was a newly discovered species of puffer fish measuring no more than 12 centimeters. Subsequent studies determined that they were ornate circles to attract mating partners. Males spend six weeks building these “crop circles” underwater just to mate for a few seconds. To make them, he gathers fine sand in mounds and decorates them with seashells he finds. If he is lucky, the willing female will stand in the center of the circle to indicate approval for mating. If not, the ocean current will carry away his work of art.
Nature will never cease to fascinate us.
Japan's Mysterious Underwater Circles Are Lovely | Underwater, Crop  circles, Puffer fish art
Sand art created by the Japanese Pufferfish | Archeologia, Geologia, Flora

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